The Sector Handbook describes messages and elements used by the sector for RU/IM communications for planning and operation in freight and passengers traffic. Some of these messages are basic parameters described in TAF and TAP regulation. Others are out of the scope of the regulation, designed by the sector for the sector and implementation by the actors under agreement. This document explains the TAP and TAF messages derived from both regulations1 , giving a hint on their legal status, explains their usage; the overall architecture, the establishment and use of the reference data and relevant code list. Apart from the central reference files, this document is not describing specific applications, as neither TAF nor TAP require the use of a specific commercial product.

The Sector Handbook will be maintained by the SMO (Sector Management Office). Changes from the previous to the current baseline of the Sector Handbook are recorded in the Sector Handbook Change Log.

In the meantime, any actor detecting errors, needing clarifications or proposing additions or updates can contact the SMO via JSG web site contact form.

The current baseline of the Sector Handbook and relevant annexes can be downloaded from the following list:

TAF/TAP RU/IM Sector Handbook_3.6_with_XSD_3.5.0.0

TAF/TAP Sector Handbook Change Log January2025


Annex_6.2 taf cat complete sector






Annex 8.8_UMLmodel-TrainIDweb

Annex_9.4_Subsidiary Type Coding


Annex_12_1_ElementsSpecificToStakeholders Sheet1


Annex_12.3_Temporary Capacity Restriction (TCR)


Annex 14_Advance Planning


Previous releases of the Sector Handbook are available here.